Itching of the skin (the medical term is Pruritiis) can be a debilitating condition. The immediate assumption is that the itching is due to an allergy. But if there are no spots or rashes, an allergy may be far from the cause.
Did you know that excess dryness of the skin stimulates the histamine itch receptors and keeping skin well moisturised is beneficial (an additive-free ointment-based emollient is better than a cream). The elderly are particularly vulnerable to this condition called Idiopathic Pruritis.
Other non-allergic causes include stress leading to Psychogenic Pruritis,. Chronic kidney and liver probems can also cause itching. Iron deficiency and even an under active Thyroid gland can cause chronic itching.
Common drugs that cause itching include: Morphine , ACE Inhibitor blood pressure controlling pills such as Perindopril, cholesterol lowering Statins and chloroquine used to treat arthritis and malaria.
Curious localised causes of itching of unknown cause include:
Brachioradialis pruritis (where the itching is centred over both forearms,
Notalgia paraesthetica (where the itch is localised to the skin over the left shoulder blade (Scapula).
Useful treatments for non-allergic itching that does not respond to conventional antihistamines include:
1% Menthol in aqueous cream & topical anaesthetic creams, Amitriptyline 10 to 25mg at night