Now is the time to be considering what to do about your hay fever symptoms next year. We read about Pollen “bombs”, global warming and El Nino weather system changes all making summer hay fever symptoms (Medical term Pollinosis) intolerable. Even taking mega-doses of antihistamines, soothing eye drops and anti-inflammatory nasal spray’s, hardly have any beneficial impact on debilitating symptoms associated with hay fever. Desensitisation to the tree or grass pollen allergy are the most practical route forwards. However Desensitisation Immunotherapy needs to be started at least a few months before the pollen season gets under way. So sublingual immunotherapy (an oral treatment for inducing pollen allergy tolerance) needs to be started in November if tree pollen allergic and January for grass pollen allergy. You will need an allergy appointment and allergy testing to confirm your allergy so that the most appropriate treatment can be prescribed and administered for maximal benefit.