Dr. Morris is an Adult and Children’s Allergy Consultant with 20 years experience in allergy testing and postgraduate diplomas in Allergy, Dermatology, Family Practice and Paediatrics.
Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine in London
Medical Qualifications
MB ChB, DCH, MCFP, Dip Allergy, Dip Pract Dermatology (Cardiff)
NHS posts
Honorary Clinical Assistant in Allergy and Respiratory Medicine, Royal Brompton Hospital, London
- Member British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI)
- Member of the Independent Doctors Federation (IDF)
- Member European Academy for Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
- Member American College for Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)
- Member-at-Large World Allergy Organisation (WAO)
- Member and past Treasurer Allergy Society of South Africa (ALLSA)
- Contributor- Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CACI)
Advisory positions held in past
- Expert advisor on allergies to BBC Online
- Advisor to Boots Pharmacies on Allergies
- Advisor to UCB Institute of Allergy
- Advisor to Glaxo Smith Kline (UK)
- Book reviewer Oxford University Press
- Advisor to NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries and NHS Choices
- Doctor Morris recently completed a Postgraduate course in Clinical Immunology at Warwick University in the United Kingdom (2017), and a specialist study course for the treatment of Chronic Urticaria in the United Arab Emirates organised by EAACI (2016).
- Elected one of Tatler magazine’s best 250 private doctors in Britain
- Regular contributor on local UK radio chat shows, NHS Choices and BBC website
- Invited speaker at local and international allergy conferences
- Awarded the EAACI prize for best allergy media publication 2002
- Regular contributor to Health and Allergy articles included in the Times, Independent, Guardian & Observer, Daily Telegraph, London Evening Standard and Daily Mail newspapers at well as Men’s Health, Which, the Tatler magazine and others
- Participant in a number of international clinical studies on allergy treatment including: Early Prevention of Allergy and Asthma (EPAAC) Clinical Trial.
- Clinical investigator Novartis 5 year trial on efficacy of Pimecrolimus.
- Contributor to the ALLSA Allergy Handbook
Favoured UK allergy charities include:
Previous appointments include:
- General Practice Cape Town, Farnham and Surrey, UK
- Clinical Assistant in Immuno-pathology, Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey..
- Tutor and Mentor, Urgent Treatment Centre, East Surrey Hospital.
- Member Royal College of Physicians Allergy Working Group : Primary Care Subcommittee
- Provider evidence to the United Kingdom Parliamentary Health Committee on the Provision of Allergy Services
- Travels to Cape Town and Johannesburg Allergy Clinic as visiting allergy expert and is a registered Medical Specialist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
- Married with 3 adult children and a great interest in restoring classic British sports cars, collecting British war medals and keel boat sailing but struggles to play decent golf..
Surrey Allergy Clinic Privacy and Compliance:
All information provided by a patient, parent or legal guardian to the Surrey Allergy Clinic, which includes any medical or clinical information provided by their referring GP, and the results of any medical tests carried out by Surrey Allergy Clinic, will always remain confidential and not be shared with any other person or organisation outside of the Surrey Allergy Clinic, unless authorised specifically by the patient, parent or legal guardian. The Surrey Allergy Clinic is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) of the UK in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our Data Protection registration number is Z8858931. Currently we are using Google Analytics to analyze the audience of the website and improve our content. No personal information is collected from Google Analytics. For further information on the privacy policy concerning Google Analytics, please go here,
Information displayed on this website is meant to complement and not replace any advice from another healthcare professional. It is the intended mission of this website to provide information on allergies and allergy testing to the general public. Our audience includes members of the pubic, healthcare professionals and students resident in the UK. Privacy and confidentiality will be strictly maintained regarding email addresses, and no personal or medical information will be displayed on this website. We conform to the legal requirements in the UK including medical and personal information privacy. Our content is strictly the original researched medical articles written only by Dr Adrian Morris and no other externally sourced information is displayed other than those clearly referenced in the text. Last modification dates are displayed at the end of all articles. Any testing procedures or allergy treatments recommended are validated by consensus of allergy experts around the world. No unproven allergy treatments or tests will be recommended in the articles on this website. The Surrey Allergy Clinic and its website receive no external funding from any commercial or pharmaceutical company or their agents. It is our strict policy not to display any advertisements or enter into any financial arrangement with external sources for gain. Consequently the site does not host or accept any advertisements. We make no testing or treatment recommendations for personal economic benefit.
Declaration Financial Interests
Dr Morris is legally obliged to inform you that he has no financial interest in any of the hospitals or clinics from which he practices medicine.
Page last reviewed and updated 15th June 2023.
Publications and News
The following Allergy Newsletters, Reports, Educational Booklets and Articles were published over the years by or in collaboration with Dr. Adrian Morris. They may be of interest to you, so please right-click titles and ’save as’ to download the PDFs.
Educational Booklets
Title | Year |
Allergy Magazine – Ask the Experts | 2006 |
Boots health club | 2006 |
Essential Guide to Allergy booklet | 2003 |
Which magazine – Feeding your fears | 2008 |
Medical Articles
Title | Publication | Year |
Adverse reactions to Food Additives | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2004 |
Aero-allergen avoidance measures – effective or futile? | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2008 |
Allergic Rhinitis | Journal of Modern Pharmacy | 2006 |
Allergies in Pregnancy | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2007 |
Allergy explained | Nurse2Nurse | 2004 |
Allergy myths | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2007 |
Atopic eczema – the itch that erupts | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2008 |
Complimentary and alternative allergy tests | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2006 |
Contact Dermatitis | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2004 |
Dealing with Chronic Urticaria | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2005 |
Diagnosing wheat hypersensitivity | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2007 |
Diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2005 |
Hayfever | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2004 |
Idiopathic environmnetal intolerance | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2006 |
Introduction to allergy | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2003 |
Is Allergy testing cost effective? | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2006 |
Is there a need for allergy self management? | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2005 |
Managing Anaphylactic Shock | Journal of Modern Pharmacy | 2006 |
Managing food allergy in children | The Practitioner | 2006 |
Practical approach to food allergy | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2006 |
Sorry but you don’t have an allergy! | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2006 |
The GPs role in Urticaria | The Practitioner | 2005 |
Scientific reviews
Title | Publication | Year |
Allsa position statement – Allergen skin prick testing | Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology | 2006 |
Atopy, anamnesis and allergy testing | InnovAiT | 2009 |
Living with Allergies and Asthma | IOA workshop Berlin | 2005 |
Proceedings EAACI Food Allergy | UCB Institue of Allergy | 2006 |