Welcome to the Surrey Allergy Clinic. The mission of our allergy clinics is to offer a personalised and comprehensive service to diagnose and treat allergies.

This is facilitated in one of our private clinics at a time convenient to you. Only scientifically validated diagnostic tests and the most effective internationally recognised allergies treatments are used in the clinic. We adhere strictly to the “Good Allergy Practice” guidelines of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

Common allergies treated include:

  • Allergic Asthma and Wheezy Bronchitis
  • Chronic Nasal Allergies and Hay Fever
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis and Eye Allergies
  • Eczema, Urticaria and Skin Allergy
  • Food Allergies and Additive Intolerance
  • Medication and Latex Allergy
  • Anaphylaxis and Angioedema
  • Wasp and Insect Sting Allergies

Current allergy management aims to identify the causative agent (the “allergen”) and then to remove it from the affected person’s environment. If avoidance measures cannot be implemented the sufferer may need to use preventer and reliever allergies medication. Occasionally desensitisation is used to induce allergen tolerance and reduce the intensity of the allergic reaction.

What to expect at your initial allergy consultation

The consultation will involve a thorough allergy and personal medical history discussion, followed by a physical examination and will include basic allergies diagnostic tests such as Skin Scratch Tests and Lung Function Testing. You will receive the results of these tests and be given treatment advice at the consultation. Please stop any anti-histamine medication for 3 days before your consultation and if possible, bring a list of suspected causes for your allergy. Occasionally further allergy blood tests (RAST) will need to be done and we can arrange these tests privately or through your NHS GP. After your consultation, you will receive a comprehensive allergy profile in plain language explaining the probable cause and treatment for your allergies. Infants can be skin tested for food and inhalant allergies from 4 months of age. If you have concerns about allergy to specific fruits or vegetables, please bring the fresh food along.

All-inclusive Allergy Profile Package

The full consultation and allergy profile including skin scratch tests and lung tests costs £320. A comprehensive allergy report and management plan is also sent to each patient after the consultation. A follow-up allergy consultation is not usually necessary, but if needed, the cost will be £220. The purpose of the follow up consultation for allergies would be to discuss complex test results, monitor response to treatment and plan future allergy management strategies.

General Enquiries.

If you would like to contact us with an enquiry or comment, or would like further information, please call on 02081442994 or email us at the address below for any general information that they require.


Allergy appointments at your convenience

The allergy clinics are held on weekdays at the various venues from 9.00am to 5.00pm and occasionally on Saturday mornings in London from 9.00am. For your convenience, we offer allergy appointments at 10 Harley Street, London and The Guildford Nuffield Hospital in their comfortable private consultant suites. Appointments can be booked by telephoning the clinic appointment secretaries at the various allergy clinics hereunder. The clinic secretaries will arrange appointments on 02081442994, but if you have any specific queries or require information about the consultation or allergy testing procedure, then we recommend that you e-mail Dr Morris at doctor-morris@allergy-clinic.co.uk

Complaints Procedure:

If for any reason you are unhappy with any aspect of our services, please in the first incidence contact 02081442994 to discuss your concerns or potential complaint. We will make every attempt to resolve your concerns immediately.

If this is unsuccessful, we have a complaints procedure in place and full details are in the link below which you can download.

Page last updated 7th September 2023.

Complaints Resolution Procedure Template September 2017 FINAL